It all started when I unexpectedly became a single mum 3 weeks after starting my business
It seems such a long time ago and never did I think, as I started out as a mum to 2 tiny children AND a fledgling of a new business would I end up in the type of business I run today being given opportunities from 'across the pond' and Co-Author of an Amazon International Bestseller.
These days there are many more women in business with young children with or without the support of husbands or partners. However 30 years ago it was even in my mind considered madness and looking back it was out of desperation that I kept going. Today although it is deemed to be so much easier, I do wonder with the amount of competition and also the expectations that mums will return to work or have very much a full on business are they infact more at a disadvantage then I was three decades ago.
Roll on three decades and I get so many opportunities that take my breath away. Why, I don't know I guess its because I get asked - and I often say YES with a big thank you. I was told about my first business opportunity, I was a Founder member of one of the first Rotary clubs in our area who had women, yes women Rotarians, A few years later I was asked to be President and on looking back it was Rotary that changed the way I looked at my business. I weekly mixed with people who were either high up in their profession or ran their own business and had such a positive attitude.
Through the years I have been lucky to meet and work with people who 'made a difference' and were happy to support the way I wanted my working life to go. There were a few disastrous twists and turns and some extremely low, lows, but no-one ever said running a business was always going to easy.
Social media wasn't around for the first part of my business, however as soon as I could I was networking online across different time zones and it here that I 'bumped' into a few women who were once again going to 'make a difference'
I was first introduced to Leslie Thomas Flowers by Haley Gray, both live in North Carolina.
This is truly about the power of networking and how when we support each other, opportunities arise, even though we live in different time zones. and it was a catalyst to what followed. FB posts led to phone calls, invites, Global Summits, an Inte rnational Bestseller co-written book and an invite to join Natural Born Teachers on One Women's Voice FB Live.
It didn't stop there. The encouragement I received each step of the way including talking about Professional Visibility - Getting It Right, led me to complete the scribbled, flimsy sketch of a short course, and turn it into what is now our up and running, subscription program 'Marketing Diamonds', helping Business Owners use everyday hacks to increase their online visibility - at little cost.
It doesn't even stop there, my article was accepted and printed in the June 2019 issue of WomELLE, have a look, there are so many wonderful women writing to support others in this magazine.
Middle of June, tune in to my Facebook group to hear Haley and me chatting our way through her Radio program. It was so much fun with lots of laughs.
Networking on social media really does work!
So what's next, yes there are still some in the background yet to be accepted. My advice to anyone is not to be scared about looking outside your comfort zone, If you say yes even once there is a feeling of a butterfly effect where opportunities arrive at our doorstep
Are you interested in finding out more, why not book yourself in for a (free) 30mins (no obligation) discovery call. Come armed with questions and we will do our best to answer as many as we can before the session runs out.
Here's the link: