I inadvertently became a co-author (1/22) in a book that when launched became an Amazon International Bestseller in the US, Canada, and the UK.
It stayed up there for 7 days.
I’m hoping it's the best book, I didn’t write.
The knock-on effect has been the number of requests I have received to take part in Radio, TV, and Magazines - and I am now listed as an Author on Amazon??
I'm hoping to dine out on this as long as possible.
Yes I will be taking these networking and selling from here on the website at £12.99 (signed) as 21 other ladies all experts in their own field put a lot of work into this to tell their adventures to success - and added a little gift at the end of each chapter.
It all started with a summit that went out in America - and spread. Just because I said YES in a closed group on Facebook.
You can buy Own Your Purpose and Realise Your Potential here and I will sign it before it leaves the building.