You can be the best business, provide the perfect service and product top products but if people can find you they won't buy!
Have you ever searched for a business, a service or a product and you couldn't find it ANYWHERE, only to find the local company down the road sells the exact thing. You may have spent hours, days, months even repeatedly returning to Google - and nothing.
Now put yourself in the business owners shoes - he/she knows his business through and through, works all hours, reduced his prices, given away free this that and the next to try and get people to buy from him. He's watching his business slide away from him, why don't people buy from him? What is he doing wrong? How can he add more to attract the clients he sees even in his local town buying from further afield.
People are waiting to buy from you NOW; they want your products and services, have you given them enough information to find you, do you show up in the areas they are searching making it easy - or is your business still hiding.
It's not about getting the best deal, yes OK it is with a particular type of person, but people like service, they like to buy local or at least feel they can trust the company they are paying with their well-earned money. Yes, you have a website, that you may have built yourself and how they can contact you, you're even on social media - now and then, but it's not enough by a long score.
If any of this relates to you, help is at hand - come along and join one of my Visibility 5 Day Challenges, I hold them in the evening after closing time. There are 3 levels, be sure to start at Level 1, because this is where the foundation lies and together we then build, and build to grow your social proof, providing information with clarity so that people searching for your type of business will easily recognise you are the leader in your industry, their go to person. Now let's take it a step further and turn that illusive client from a transnational into a relationship client - whose family now becomes a generational client!
In no particular order:
If you want help to get your products and services well known, easily found and talked about why not book a call and let's talk
I find yourself saying more and more, no I won't be buying, we already have our family Optician, Physiotherapist, Funeral Director. People who have helped our family, for now, three generations I won't be changing. Add your own list, whatever it is, whoever it is, what a relief that you already have companies who know your background and yes they may not be the least expensive around however they always provide excellent service.
It cropped up again only last week; I took our car to our family garage. I went to school with the owner; his father knew my father. Many years ago, when my parents were first married, he turned up on their doorstep with a trailer full of wood. 'Leftovers Jim, I can't use them for my business, I thought of you and wondered if you and Peggy could use some firewood'.
The wood lasted three years; it meant the difference between a warm or cold house, when I was born the house was always warm, we rarely had colds, it left more money to pay the bills at a time when there were no credit cards and tick up the local shop meant you were down on your uppers. People had to pay their way, and no way would anyone ask family for a loan of money because there wasn't any.
So here we are six or more decades later, his son is the local mechanic, he bought his garage from his uncle. Three generations of our family only ever go to the same garage, yes we pay more, but we get seen at no notice, they keep our cars on the road, they will even give any new ones the once over before we buy - at no charge. They will also stop and take the time to talk to every one of their customers, especially the older ones like my father, who will tell them stories of days gone by.
That's generational clients - those are the ones who don't even look elsewhere - they are your secured future. These are what we are aiming for when we say work with us and let's increase the visibility of your business.