I was intrigued to find out what everyone felt about a post I saw on LinkedIn only recently. One of the points in it, made by Marleen van Lookeren Campagne was ‘you’re never to old’ Marleen was referring to a piece written about the very talented Boutiette, at 47yrs old and Olympic Ice Skater he is quoted as saying “It’s tough sometimes being the old dude. It’s kind of fun to get the respect.”
This was so encouraging as the majority of our clients are over 40 years old. Some a lot older and way past what in corporate terms is considered retirement age. Some are even just starting out after almost a lifetime in PAYE. Daunting to begin with, we constantly receive comments such as “I know my business but I don’t know how to run a business” These are highly skilled people who have all their lives held down recognised and often the most difficult jobs, feeling overwhelmed at how much knowledge is needed to run a business.
I believe the issue is they try to learn every angle, feeling they should suddenly become an expert in accounts, marketing and brand management, even to the point we hear of the owners cleaning the office after the staff have left. I completely understand that in the early days there is a need to save every penny however as their business grows it is important to trust others to cover the bit they are good at so they can concentrate on working on their business. Once this happens they start to see what fun it can be, reintroduce the passion they felt at the beginning, and yes even if they are the old dude, gain the respect for doing a great job and delivering a fantastic service.
When do you feel it is too old to start a business?