Professional visibility online & offline – getting it right

Being visible in today's world is vital to maintaining sustainability in your business.

You want potential clients to find you easily, tell their friends, actively promote your products and services

You can be the best, however new client’s wont flock to you if they get tired looking for you.

When people start to look for a product or service they search online.

It's vital to your brand & marketing to understand how to achieve maximum results from your website and social media

You want clients who will return to you time and time again and instantly recognise your brand.

We show (or teach) you to understand how to successfully brand and market your business and build know, like and trust relationships

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Bounce Rate

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate is a term used in Google Analytics and is stated as a percentage. A user "bounces" on a website when they leave the site on the same page that they arrived, without visiting any other page. Right, that's the definition out of the way, what is it and why should you care?

Google Search Engine, when reacting to a user search, collects all the pages that it thinks are relevant to the search, scores the content on all of those pages and then ranks them in a list to return to the user. The aim for a website owner, is to be as far up that list as possible, and then to be clicked on so the user visits your site and not a competitor.

Keeping the bounce rate low is achieved in a number of ways.

Try to describe the content on the page accurately in the Page Title and Page Description. Most people will close a website page if they feel they were mislead or that they need to change the search they made, both instances of this will cause you bounce.

Have your content organised in a way that is easy for the user to navigate so they are more likely to visit more pages (i.e. not bounce).

Write good content. Google is trying to reward well written content, so write as much as you can, without repetition. Link out to authoritative content when you can, or, where practical, quote that content on your own site. (Be aware of copyright issues here).

Interested to find out more?

The First Step - send us your details and Let's talk about reducing your Bounce Rate!
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Bounce Rate

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