Professional visibility online & offline – getting it right

Being visible in today's world is vital to maintaining sustainability in your business.

You want potential clients to find you easily, tell their friends, actively promote your products and services

You can be the best, however new client’s wont flock to you if they get tired looking for you.

When people start to look for a product or service they search online.

It's vital to your brand & marketing to understand how to achieve maximum results from your website and social media

You want clients who will return to you time and time again and instantly recognise your brand.

We show (or teach) you to understand how to successfully brand and market your business and build know, like and trust relationships

We invite you on this journey to work together.

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3d: The Process

Getting Your Idea into Production

In this case the client supplied a drawing

A sketch of any kind is really useful to us in the initial stages. Most people are reluctant to provide a sketch on the grounds that they "can't draw", however, the simple sketch show relative sizes and layout and is a great start for us.

This is the first image the client sees

From the drawing, we make the shapes and text needed and size all of the elements of the design to match the sketch. All of the elements are assigned a "clay" material (in this case pale grey) so the client is not distracted by colours. This image is to confirm the proportions of all of the elements are correct.

The Client now wants text on the reverse side of the sphere

The front text is duplicated, resized and the VR portion is added so the text becomes 3 lines.

Client Supplies an Image for colours

In this case the client sent the image seen here to use for the colour scheme. We used the gold as is, but removed the colour from the pale and dark grey so they are both neutral.

Sphere Gold

This was the initial idea for colour placement. It was rejected for the Final scheme

Sphere Pale Grey

The colour placement seemed to work best and allows all of the elements to be clearly seen.

Real world materials, endless options

After chasing materials about for a while, the text was made to emulate hard, gloss plastic. Metalic was used on the sphere and the "C" section

Adjustment of the Light Map and positioning of the reflections

Lighting in this case was provided by and "environment map". This, in simple terms wraps a sphere around the 3d stage and projects light and reflections into the space. The map can be rotated, allowing us to move reflections across the surface of the elements.

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